Malta has historically always been at the forefront of the Aviation Industry. It is thus no surprise that it is a major participant in numerous international aviation agreements and conventions, managing to cater for the sudden growth in aviation taking place in recent years through a number of developments. Apart from its adherence to the Cape Town Convention on International Interests in Mobile Equipment and its Aircraft Protocol, Malta has recently also implemented the Aircraft Registration Act (Chapter 503 of the Laws of Malta), this being the main law dealing with aircraft registration and related matters. As a member of the European Union, Malta is the ideal jurisdiction for registered aircrafts to operate freely within the EU, ensuring the highest standards in relation to aviation through its adherence to the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA).
Mifsud & Mifsud has considerable experience in advising clients in the aviation sector. Members of the firm annually attend the European Business and Aviation Convention and Exhibition (EBACE).
The firm offers the following services in relation to Aviation:
  • Registration of Aircraft;
  • Sale and Purchase Agreement;
  • Charter and Lease Agreements;
  • Finance and Securitization;
  • Maintenance,
  • Repair and Servicing Agreements;
  • Claims against carriers;
  • Operational structures and tax planning;
  • Negotiations and drafting of aviation related services agreement;
  • Air Operator Certificates; and
  • Air Services Licenses.


Malcolm Mifsud

Founding Partner

Cedric Mifsud

Founding Partner

François Laffoucrière



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